Our Mission
Madzi Coffee exists to bring clean, reliable, accessible water to people who lack safe water. Nearly 1 out of every 3 people in the world lacks access to safe water, resulting in women and children making long and often dangerous journeys daily to collect water that will make them sick.
We have committed to donating 100% of the net profits from our sales to on-the-ground non-profit partners with a proven track record of installing and maintaining hand pumps to transform communities though safe water.
Design Outreach (DO) is our current non-profit partner. DO is a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit organization founded by engineers that seeks to create life-sustaining technology to alleviate global poverty.
Their flagship project, LifePump, is bringing reliable water to people across Africa and the Caribbean. LifePump has improved on previous pump technology in three ways:
Depth LifePump can draw water from up to 150 meters in the ground, approximately 3 times the depth of other pumps, accessing aquifers filled with fresh, safe water even during dry seasons.
Durability LifePump has a proven track-record of staying in service and can operate maintenance free for five or more years.
Data-driven LifePumpLink, a satellite-based remote monitor provides real-time data on pump performance on LifePumps
LifePump is ready to scale and Madzi Coffee wants to help. Every time you purchase coffee from Madzi Coffee you make a difference in someone’s life. Want to learn more about Design Outreach? Visit them at www.doutreach.org.